Friday, May 4, 2007

Time for an update!

It's been way too long since I've updated. I've got a lot going on at the moment.
I'm currently going for two jobs. One's part time at the local IGA and the other is cleaning houses a couple of days a week. My lovely MIL is going to look after Alexi (we live with my in-laws), so I'm going to take advantage of the free childcare while I can!

I'm slowly getting better at this sewing gig. I've had to learn how to hand sew because our machine is buggering up. The bobbin keeps bunching up. I've cleaned it all out, so I'm not quite sure what to do from here.

I've just been buying up a storm! I have some gorgeous cotton coming my way. Or I will have once I've paid for it LOL. Here's some pics of some lovely fabrics that turned up last week.



I love the zebra fleece so much! So far I have made flongies, shorties and a skirt out of it. I plan on making a few cushions out of it, as well as sew a piece onto Lexi's black t-shirt. Zebra trim on jeans...... Oh, so many ideas!!

(mind the grubby shirt LOL)

I will add pics of the skirt and flongies tomorrow. :-)

While waiting for my huggaluggs from Eco Bambino, I decided to make my own. Not really creative, just cut the toes out of some knee high sock I found at the local op shop. I'm yet to sew the top, so they're curling :-S
Again, mind the grubby shirt ROFL

I want to add pics of a project I have just finished, but as it's a present for a friend's nearly 1 year old, I won't put it up until she has recieved it. :-D

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